Oral Arguments
The Art & Law Oral Arguments consist of presenters who present 7-minute talks on works, projects, and ideas related to art and law. Like Pecha Kuchas, Oral Arguments are presented similarly – each presenter has a timed presentation of 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds. That’s just 6 minutes and 40 seconds to explain their work, project, or idea related to art and law. The Oral Arguments are followed by a Q&A session and a small reception.
For more information on Oral Arguments, or how to become a presenter, please email Sergio Muñoz Sarmiento at sms@artlawoffice.com.
Oral Arguments poster describing the event and the participants.
Volume I: October 28, 2017
The Art & Law Program cordially invites you to its first Oral Arguments on Saturday, October 28, 2017. Volume I will take place at NYU's Einstein Auditorium, located at 34 Stuyvesant Street, New York City, and will begin at 4pm.
Volume I will consist of eight presenters, all alumni of The Art & Law Program. The presenters are: Thomas Beale, Abram Coetsee, Terike Haapoja, Nicole Belangeil Kaack, Kenneth Pietrobono, Susan Rosenberg, Vered Snear, and Alex Strada.
Presenter bios and titles are available here, in PDF format.
Thomas Beale: The Universal Outlaw
Abram Coetsee: Can Graffiti Be Preserved Once It's Legal?
Terike Haapoja: Persons and Things: Artistic Explorations on the Limits of Political Community
Nicole Belangeil Kaack: Consummate and Contractual
Kenneth Pietrobono: A Structural Crisis in an Emotional Landscape
Susan Rosenberg: Dancing Around Copyright and Choreography
Vered Snear: Copyright and the Internet in Artistic Practice
Alex Strada: The Artist's Contract
Space is limited. Registration for this event is on a first come, first serve basis. There is no fee to attend, but donations are welcomed. All proceeds will go to support The Art & Law Program. To register for this event, please visit our registration page, here. If you'd like to make an online donation, you may do so here.
To commemorate the Volume I of Oral Arguments, we have made a limited edition enamel pin. Attendees to the event will have an opportunity to obtain one of these pins with a donation of $10 or more (alumni rate is $5). All proceeds go to support The Art & Law Program.
Volume I is a collaboration between The Art & Law Program and Damien Davis (’16). Support for this event was provided by The Art & Law Program, The Rema Hort Mann Foundation, The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council and The Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. Poster design by Luis Nieto Dickens ('12).
Volume II
Coming soon!
Volume III
Coming soon!